Contemplated Additional Features

Bitcarbon holders are expected to receive access to special features and benefits. Features under consideration, but which are not established include:

  1. Discounts on the conversions fees between Diamond Standard Commodities and Carats, and

  2. Access to invitation-only auctions, pre-sales or future offerings which are blockchain based, and

  3. Access to invitation only applications or application features, such as the Diamond Standard market which will use Carats as the exclusive transaction token.

The Bitcarbon Foundation may entitle holders of certain minimum amounts of Bitcarbon, or users who stake their Bitcarbon, to access special features and benefits. Features under consideration for proposal include:

  1. Airdrops of Bitcarbon

  2. Discounted conversion fees between Diamond Standard Commodities and Carats,

  3. Access to invitation-only auctions, pre-sales or future offerings,

  4. Access to invitation only applications, such as the Diamond Standard market which will use Carats as the exclusive transaction token.

Last updated